My life has been consumed with work for the last 2 months... But now, I think I have the hang of things. I love it. The kids are great, and the teachers I work with are amazing. The first six weeks are out of the way, and I had no child fail my class. That's a good thing. So many things have happened since I blogged last. Fabian and Angie moved back to Texas from D.C. They're living in Coppell, and we're excited to have them back!! My mom went to Colombia for a week. She brought back candy for my students.. they loved it. I got a new car. Well, it's for Lauren really. She's been wanting a Ford Mustang for years!! and she'll be 16 soon, so I bought it to drive until her birthday, then I will get my dream car. Well, I'm not gonna make this very long. I'm just excited to report I love my job. So glad I stuck it out. Anyway! Here are the pictures. :)